Sex Ed The Musical

Sex Ed The Musical is a funny, empowering and honest sex advice show for women that offers helpful tips, interviews from sex educators, nonjudgmental advice, solutions, comedic jingles and conversations with women just like you who are tired of settling for crappy sex lives. Sex Ed The Musical teaches the truth about sex and helps women enjoy the pleasure we all deserve.

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Thursday Jul 18, 2019

Over the years, I’ve spoken to a lot of women about sex, and I keep hearing similar issues coming up over and over again. Whether it’s shame or judgment or trauma, none of us gets through this unscathed. But what a lot people don’t realize is that thousands of women of completely different backgrounds and ages, share the same issues and fears. Unfortunately, we tend to internalize them as our own instead of sharing them with each other. So each of us goes through life, carrying this trauma around like a gigantic suitcase with four broken wheels. In this series of interviews I’m calling Under Covers, I speak to women of all ages, sexual orientations and backgrounds who share the most intimate details of their sex lives. You’re going to hear all sorts of brave women who allow me into their bedrooms, with the hope that we’ll all discover we’re not alone and it’s possible to step away from the shame and judgment we’re carrying in order to enjoy the pleasure and fun we all deserve. It’s not all heavy, in fact a lot of this is pretty hilarious. On this first episode, I speak with a woman I’ve named Brianna. That’s not her real name, every one of these interviews is completely anonymous. All you need to know in advance is that Brianna is 39, married and identifies as heterosexual. That’s where all similarities end…or begin.  

Thursday Jul 11, 2019

You’re a young, smart, single woman in New York City. The world is YOURS! True, you resembled Danny DeVito in your teens. True, you are incredibly inexperienced sexually. True, you have body issues, intimacy issues, commitment issues, confidence issues, underwear issues, roommate issues, and a crippling fear of sexually transmitted infections. But other than that, the world is YOURS! On this episode I interview the hilarious Olive Persimmon, author of The Coitus Chronicles. In this autobiographical journey, we join Olive after she decides a 5-year sexual drought is no longer acceptable. She takes hilarious steps to rediscover what it is she wants out of sex and then ventures waaaaaaaaaaay outside of her comfort zone to find it. From BDSM classes to dabbling in a sex cult, Olive goes there and takes us along for her hilarious ride. As with most of my episodes, at one point we veer into the ridiculous. This time it’s the world of Furries and Olive gets me to admit which furry character I’d want to have sex with. Even I was shocked by my answer. Then, at 34:00 it’s an all-new Screw Confession. This one involves a single woman, a new boyfriend and a puppy with a strange way of greeting someone. It’s absolutely hilarious. MEMORABLE QUOTES We can’t even define what sex really is cause we as a society are so afraid to be having these conversations. I have a flip phone that I use occasionally and it is amazing the amount of “brain space” you get back when you’re not comparing yourself to others. Dating takes time and effort. And if you’re using that time and effort on social media I could see how that could affect the amount of people you’re meeting. I didn’t know that the vagina and the vulva were different things. And I was like 30! Olive Persimmon’s Social Links: Facebook: IG: @olivepersimmon Website: Purchase the book here.   This post contains Amazon affiliate links. I receive a small amount of compensation, at no extra cost to you, when you purchase from my links — which I’ll totally blow on hookers or maybe a dollar iced tea from McDonald’s. Thank you!

Thursday Jul 04, 2019

What is Kink? A recent article described KINK as: “…any kind of sexual activity or desire that falls outside the realm of culturally sanctioned norms, which, in our rigid, puritanical society, is basically everything that’s not penis-in-vagina, monogamous, hetero, married, missionary sex with the end goal of making babies. Or maybe…kink is fun between consenting adventurous adults? On this episode, my final chat in a 4-part series with Clinical Sexologist Sunny Rodgers, we give you an intro to the world of kink, fetish, restraints, power play, sensory play and how to make sure you get the perfect starter ball gag. If you’ve ever been blindfolded, restrained by a silk tie, or looked at a riding crop longingly, you know there’s all sorts of fun to be had out there and there’s nothing wrong with kinky fun between consenting adults. After all, eleventy scrinjillion people read 50 Shades of Grey and at least 12 of them saw the movies. Kink is here whether you like it or not. Now put on this collar, get on your knees, be silent and listen to this episode until I tell you otherwise.   FETISH ITEMS RECOMMENDED BY SUNNY RODGERS IN THIS EPISODE SATIN EYE MASKS AND RESTRAINTS WARTENBERG WHEEL UNDER MATTRESS RESTRAINT NIPPLE CLAMPS VENTILATED BALL GAG SOY MASSAGE CANDLES PREMIUM LEATHER CAT O’ 9 TAILS WHIP   You can find Sunny Rodgers on Instagram @SunsplashRodgers On Twitter @SunnyRodgers For sex coaching or personalized sex toy recommendations from Sunny Rodgers, contact her HERE   Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Any sales made through such links may net me a small commission – at absolutely no extra cost to you. When you make a purchase using the above Amazon links, you help to offset the high price of producing this podcast. Thank you.    

Thursday Jun 27, 2019

The dildo is not a modern invention. It is an ancient tool believed to date back to the Stone Age. Okay, I’m done with the history lesson. Because this episode is all about the Dildos of Today, baby! This popular, phallic-shaped sex toy has been enjoyed by many for millennia, and it’s actually a bit more complicated than it appears. There are several things you should know before you buy a dildo. On this episode, part 3 of my 4-part conversation with Clinical Sexologist Sunny Rodgers, I get to the bottom of this ancient sex toy…and it’s very interesting down there. Also, tempted as you may be, don’t confuse a Dildo with a Dong. There is one major difference between the two — okay technically two differences if you’re counting. You can find Sunny Rodgers on Instagram @SunsplashRodgers On Twitter @SunnyRodgers For sex coaching or personalized sex toy recommendations from Sunny Rodgers, contact her HERE.  

Thursday Jun 20, 2019

Not to be an alarmist, but if you’re not using lube during sex, you are asking for a world of trouble. And friction. On this episode, we learn all about the different types of lube, how to know if it’s FDA approved and why you should be using lube every time you have penetrative sex. We also learn a fun, at home science experiment that will tell you exactly which lube will work best with your body. We find out why petroleum jelly is a disaster for your ecosystem and we learn what item in your pantry can work as lube in an emergency. Hint: It’s commonly used to thicken soup. Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about lube is right here. My guest is Sex Toy Concierge Sunny Rodgers. Sunny is a clinical sexologist, a certified sex coach, a sex educator and she works in a sex toy factory! She’s like the Willy Wonka of orgasms!!!   PRODUCTS MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE Here is a link to the Replens vaginal moisture product that Sunny recommends. Here is a link to the Wicked Sensual Care lube that Sunny recommends. Here is a link to one of my favorite lubes, Aloe Cadabra. Here is a link to my other favorite lube, Sliquid Organic   You can find Sunny Rodgers on Instagram @SunsplashRodgers On Twitter @SunnyRodgers For sex coaching or personalized sex toy recommendations from Sunny Rodgers, contact her HERE.   Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Any sales made through such links may net me a small commission – at absolutely no extra cost to you. When you make a purchase using the affiliate links, you help to offset the high price of producing this podcast and/or my guacamole addiction.

Thursday Jun 13, 2019

  It is very likely that you’re not getting off from penetrative sex. That’s not your fault or your partner’s fault, it’s just how your body was created. If you want to have an orgasm, you likely need clitoral stimulation. That’s right. You really want a vibrator and there ain’t nothin’ wrong with that, okurrr! But, then you start shopping for a battery operated bestie and you quickly discover there are about eleventy scrillion different ones out there. What do you buy? What’s the difference between all of them? Why are some of these sex toys so freakin’ expensive?   You’re about to find out!   As part of this 4-part series on pleasure products, I get all the answers from my friend and colleague, the Sex Toy Concierge Sunny Rodgers. Sunny is a clinical sexologist, a certified sex coach, a sex educator and she works in a sex toy factory! She’s like the Willy Wonka of orgasms!!!   We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of sex dreams.   On this podcast episode, we break down the different types of vibrators, what you should look for in motors, textures, prices and other features. If you want to learn about the fascinating history of vibrators, check out this interview with the brilliant Dr. Carol Queen, an author, sociologist, sexologist, sex-positive trailblazer and the curator of the Antique Vibrator Museum. But for right now, we’re here to find out exactly what you can buy today to feel just great tomorrow!   So, get ready to buzz off!!!   Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Any sales made through such links may net me a commission – at absolutely no extra cost to you. When you make a purchase using the Amazon links below, you help to offset the high price of producing this podcast and/or my guacamole addiction.   HERE ARE SOME OF THE PLEASURE PRODUCTS DISCUSSED IN THIS INTERVIEW LINKS MENTIONED BY SUNNY: GOODVIBRATIONS.COM BABELAND.COM ADAMANDEVE.COM LIONSDEN.COM ROMANTIX.COM You can find Sunny Rodgers on Instagram @SunsplashRodgers On Twitter @SunnyRodgers For sex coaching or personalized sex toy recommendations from Sunny Rodgers, contact her HERE. SUNNY RODGERS">   SUNNY RODGERS"> 

Thursday Jun 06, 2019

We first met The Sexually Adventurous Woman in episode 5. Then our conversation continued in episode 9. She told me how, with her husband’s urging, she discovered she was bisexual and then how she learned how to pick up women for threesomes. Eventually that led to them having sex with other couples and having a really fun time in the swinging lifestyle. Our conversation continues here. Of course, most people would never consider entering the swinging lifestyle but there are a lot of life lessons you learn when you open up your marriage. You learn the importance of communication and how to be a good communicator. You learn how to set boundaries. You learn how to advocate for yourself in naked and fully dressed situations. Most importantly, you learn what you really want in life and exactly how to go after it. So don’t think of this as an episode about how to be a swinger. Think of this as a Sexual Master Class. How having the courage to push your own boundaries and step away from fear can translate into unimaginable confidence in your life, relationships and career. We can all use some of that.   1:30 Planning a fun giveaway for new subscribers! 2:03 Screw Confession - The Hidden Dangers of Coconut Oil 4:30 Intro the Sexually Adventurous Woman 5:46 How her sexual confidence translates into every other aspect of her life. 6:19 Advice for women who are afraid to be sexually adventurous. 6:37 You’d be surprised how many other people share your sexual curiosities. 7:03 You might be a swinger and not even know it. 7:35 What are the best lessons from being in an open marriage? 9:30 What are some of the advantages of being in the swinging lifestyle? 10:42 How swingers have amazing communication skills. 11:15 The secret hand signals and communications needed a sex party. 12:53 The secret language I use with my husband. 13:51 What happens when she decodes someone else’s secret signals at a sex party. 14:45 Her marriage ends. 15:30 How it is to be a dating as a sexually adventurous woman. 16:50 What she looks for in potential partners now. 18:38 Is it a burden to know so much about sex and be single? 19:13 Advice for women who want to be sexually adventurous but are afraid to try. MEMORABLE QUOTES If you can tell someone to do something when you’re naked, you can definitely tell them to do it when you’re fully clothed. If you’re afraid to be sexually adventurous. You’re going to be afraid all of your life. Try something. You can always say, that wasn’t for me. I know who I am now and if I don’t find anybody, that’s okay. I want somebody who’s going to treat me like I’m a queen. I need someone who already knows who they are.            

Thursday May 30, 2019

“It’s such a crap deal that when we push a kid out, suddenly we’re not allowed to be sexy anymore.” These words belong to Brooke Christian: Blogger, Truth Teller and Sex Toy Concierge for the Mommy Set. The founder of, how Brooke became the orgasm guru for thousands of desperate moms is an incredible story that all begins with a cock ring at Gymboree. Okay, the cock ring in question did not make an actual appearance at Gymboree. That would be weird. But after buying a vibrating cock ring to enjoy with her husband and completely getting her mojo back, Brooke told all of her mom friends about this amazing sex toy and, naturally, they all wanted one, too. From there, Brooke found her following and built a sex toy empire. But from one mother to another, Brooke’s company is about so much more than shilling sex toys and lube. It’s about giving mothers a trusted place where they can reclaim their sexuality. To find community and healing from postpartum depression, and to, once again, be the happy, sexy slutty women they were before the kids ruined everything. As Brooke says, “I’m not here to sell sex toys…I’m here to make women feel beautiful.” And she definitely does. One orgasm at a time. SHOW NOTES 1:07 My first foray into porn, attending the LA Erotic Show 2:46 It all began with a cock ring and a dream… 3:45 What is Flirty Girl? A sex empowerment platform for moms. 4:21 Postpartum Depression and how getting over it was by exploring her sexuality again. 4:33 It all started when she talked about a cock ring at Gymboree. 5:01 None of my friends know what to buy. None of my friends know what to do…but they’re dying to. 5:35 How Flirty Girl was born. 5:52 The clash between sexuality and motherhood. 6:45 When you become a mom, you lose your identity. 7:36 Postpartum depression destroyed me. 7:57 A boudoir photo shoot showed me how sexy and dynamic I really am. 8:58 Doesn’t it suck that we’re being touched all day by little people and then our husbands come home and just want to get off on us? 9:17 If you’re going to go upstairs and have sex, then it better blow your mind. 9:27 You’re a mom. You’ve done mediocre crap all day long that you didn’t want to do. Sex should be the last place where you do stuff you don’t want to do. 9:43 How her phone blows up Sunday morning cause she’s making date night super sexy for thousands of moms. 11:00 How Flirty Girl Guide was born. 11:41 How she set up her first sex toy trunk show. 12:39 Sex sells. 13:21 I’m not here to sell sex toys. 14:04 Finding a distributor for her growing empire. 14:15 What it’s like to attend a sex toy trade show. 16:12 I don’t sell anything phallic. 16:54 Word of mouth built her business. 17:36 Her dream collaboration with Target. 17:51 Why she wants to make a special lingerie line just for moms. 18:35 Why all the sexy pictures of Brooke? 19:41 Worrying about how other people will think of her. 20:33 Flirty Girl’s favorite toys. 22:47 Why you need a clitoral suction device. 23:50 Flirty Girl’s favorite Dame products. 24:58 Will using a vibrator ruin you for toyless sex? 26:15 How women have been socialized to ignore our own pleasure. 26:50 How most straight women spend the first ten years of their sex lives focused entirely on male pleasure. 28:49 What is your Orgasm Gap? 29:10 Why our self-worth is tied to pleasing men and how that creates a lifetime of bad sex. 30:30 People are threatened by sexually liberated women. 31:57 What’s the trick to getting your male partner comfortable with your desire to use sex toys? 33:50 If your guy refuses to use a sex toy with you, he’s an asshole. 34:23 What happened when she ran out of lube and had to shop at a sketchy local sex store. 36:25 These women can trust me. I’m one of them. 36:37 If I could help a woman pick out a sex toy and make her feel really comfortable about it, and have great sex, then I did my job. 37:00 What she has planned for the future of Flirty Girl Guide. 37:35 Starting an erotic book club. 38:03 How women can pregame in order to get aroused. 39:22 If more women hear that they’re not alone and there are great solutions out there for them, there will be more happy women in the world. 40:17 Why your children will be happier if you and you partner are sexually in sync. 40:36 The porn sites that are better (or worse) for women. 41:24 Women are okay with porn, why don’t we create a curated site for women? 41:59 Why Brooke wants to be a madam in a brothel. 42:34 How to find her. 43:10 Brooke’s one wish for the future of sex. MEMORABLE QUOTES “Nobody talks about the nuclear bomb that goes off when sex and motherhood collide.” “That’s where Flirty Girl was born out of. It was a Gymboree class and a cock ring.” “It’s such a crap deal that when we push a kid out, suddenly we’re not allowed to be sexy anymore.” “I can be a mother and make mac & cheese at 7 in the morning, but at 10 pm, I can have my husband call me a slut. And I’m still a good mom.” “You’re a mom. You’ve done mediocre crap all day long that you didn’t want to do. So like sex should be the LAST place where you do stuff you don’t want to do.” “Let’s just be honest, sex sells.” “I’m not here to sell sex toys…I’m here to make women feel beautiful.” “When your sex life is better…the rest of your life is pretty fucking awesome, too.” “If your guy is threatened and he refuses to use a sex toy with you, you’re married to an asshole.” “These women trust me. I’m one of them.” “If I could help a woman pick out a sex toy and make her feel really comfortable about it, and have great sex, then I did my job.”   LINKS MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE Fake commercial with Ron Jeremy and me here Brooke’s website here Shop Brooke’s favorite toys here Flirty Girl on Instagram

Thursday May 23, 2019

In male-female sexual encounters, blowjobs are typically expected while cunnilingus is one of the least performed sex acts. This disparity has been called The Oral Sex Gap and you might be surprised to learn that it’s not just guys who are saying no to cunnilingus. Many women are concerned that their ladyparts are unattractive or some feel too vulnerable to enjoy receiving oral sex. Plus, thanks to decades of advertising created specifically to make women feel inadequate and unhygenic, many of us, especially those walking along the beach, arm in arm with our moms, just don’t feel “summer fresh” down there. Whatever the reason, far too many women are saying no to oral sex when they really want to say yes, yes, YESSSSS! On this episode I speak with Melanie Cristol, the founder and CEO of Lorals, single use latex lingerie designed for carefree oral sex. Melanie founded the company after she decided that using a dental dam is the least sexy part of having sex and there had to be a better solution out there. Later in the episode, I enlist the services of a married couple who try Lorals and give me their thorough and unbiased review. Even they were a little surprised by the product. If you’d like to purchase Lorals, go to and use the special code YAYWENDY for 15% off your first order. If you’re going to let something get in between you and oral sex, let it be Lorals.   [Images: courtesy of Lorals]    

Thursday May 16, 2019

Ahhhhh, MENOPAUSE. All those hilarious memes about hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, and that wacky brain fog. All kidding aside, menopause is no joke. It’s time we all stop being polite, and start getting real about menopause. On this episode, I have a completely uncensored and candid talk with highly-respected OB/GYN to the stars, and self-proclaimed “vagina whisperer” Dr. Sherry A. Ross. We talk about pain during sex, what causes it and what you can do to prevent it so you can enjoy sex life again. We talk about vaginal dryness and remedies that work. We talk about the importance of a good vibrator. How to advocate for yourself when you’re at the doctor’s office. We even discuss if “squirting” is a real thing? Hint: It is. Dr. Sherry and I go there! This episode answers the questions you have about your middle-aged ladyparts and what the hell is happening to them! The bottom line is this: You don’t have to suffer. There are solutions out there and Dr. Sherry shares them with me right here. SHOW NOTES :00-2:35 Intro 2:35 Do you have to shave your legs before going to the gynecologist? 3:38 You can tell by looking at a vagina if someone is having a lot of sex. 5:00 What causes painful sex? 5:50 Hydrate your vagina with Revaree Hyaluronic Acid for Vaginal Dryness 6:40 Dr. Sherry’s preferred dilators to help help eliminate pain during sex. 7:25 What causes pain during sex. 8:34 Extra virgin coconut oil is the best lube. 8:57 Bathe with extra virgin coconut oil. 9:33 Why it’s not a good idea to have only sex twice a year. 10:05 How to use Dr. Sherry’s preferred dilators. 12:15 The importance of talking about menopause. 12:47 Why you need the vaginal dryness remedy, Revaree. 13:00 Using boric acid to even out the pH balance in your vagina. 13:15 Revaree. 13:40 Why you should be using Dr. Sherry’s preferred vibrator. 14:39 Women are reluctant to introduce sex toys with their male partners. Check out episode 7 to find out how you shouldn’t introduce sex toys. 15:02 Vibrators make your male partner’s life easier. 15:19 Women have been marginalized to express their sexual desires. 15:39 The average time you spend with your doctor is 7.5 minutes. 16:05 Squirting! 18:25 Hormone replacement therapy. 19:11 Things that may trigger hot flashes. 19:37 When to know if you need hormones or if you need to stay on hormones. 20:30 The importance of discussing menopause and women’s health issues. 21:58 Is there a light at the end of the vagina tunnel? 22:31 Any correlation between how your mother experienced menopause and how you will. 24:15 The importance of discussing pleasure with girls. 25:00 Is using a vibrator going to desensitize you for manual stimulation? 26:34 Despite numerous mentions, my show is not sponsored by the Hitachi Magic Wand. 26:41 Your Peloton might be traumatizing your vulva. 27:20 The coconut oil you shouldn’t get. 27:50 How to advocate better for yourself with your doctor. What should you do before even walking into the exam room. 28:48 How to recognize you’re being gaslighted by medical professionals. 30:18 The biggest myth about menopause. 30:37 Using a MonaLisa laser to help with vaginal dryness and atrophy. 31:34 Porn has ruined our vaginal self esteem. 32:42 Dr. Sherry’s Visual Vaginal Library 33:26 Vaginal farts. Order Dr. Sherry’s book She-ology: The Definitive To Women’s Intimate Health. Period.    

2019 Sex Ed the Musical

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